Friday, May 12, 2017

Blog stage 8

I read the post Foster Care by Kaylee. The blog post caught my attention, however I feel she could have added more to it. One thing she could of added was the link to the article, so that the reader could go back and read more about Foster Care. Another thing she could of added to strengthen her post would be to add more information about foster care. What is it about foster care that needs to be address? What have we done before about foster care, what do we plan for the future?, etc.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Blog stage 7

Texas Policy released an article about our health. Insurance failures expose Obamacare fatal flaw states that when Washington expands healthcare bureaucracy people will get less care, not more. Insurances like UnitedHealth, Humana, Anthem Blue Cross have quite selling ObamaCare because selling it is a "money-loser".

Carries like Aetna, UnitedHealth, and Humana have lost millions and billions of dollars selling it. The Aetna CEO said that ObamaCare has put health insurance into a "death spiral." Now we have less carries willing to sell health insurance, and it gives monopoly power. Patients will struggle with finding a doctor who will care for them, or have to wait a long time to even see a family physician.

And things get worse. Instead of fixing the problem and it not being expensive, they are now talking about tweaking our president's odious legacy. GOP leaders think that by passing new regulations they will fix the problem. This is another way of them showing that they continue doing the same thing, work on something that doesn't necessary work.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Blog stage 6

I  chose "The Lack of Logic Behind HB 375- Commentary" by Emily Ward, because it was a very well written topic.  In her topic she wrote about a problem that Texas could be facing. She did her research about what House Bill 37 is, and what is consist of. She did a very well job at giving us background about the problem, giving us some information about the cost of the situation, and her opinion about is was clearly well written. Reviewing her post made me go into my own research, and see that the state of Texas is at risk of HB 37. Guns are no toy. I believe we should not become the 12th state to adopt HB 37. There are rules and procedures that gun holders need to follow.

Blog stage 5

  In December Uber and Lyft threaten to leave the city of Austin if they forced some of the policies taxi drivers have to follow. Ridesharing worker and independent local organizations have gather signatures to force these policies on Uber and Lyft. Once Austin was presented with these signatures they had to make a decision, to not finger print Uber and Lyft drivers and use the same policies they use for taxi drivers, or to take the ballot in elections this May. 
Uber and Lyft should have to the same policies as taxi drivers. They need a background check and need to meet the safety requirements. I would like to know that im getting from point A to B safely if and whenever I use Uber of Lyft. Houston and San Antonio, along with other cities have had some bad experiences with public transportation like Uber and Lyft. No one is asking Uber of Lyft to leave, the city actually benefits from their services. They provide a safe ride home when leaving downtown, or simply just provide transportation for people that need it. We are just simple asking them to take more safety transportation requirements.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog 4

Texas tribune released an article on the topic about fetal barrel. The article "Advocates urge house to amendfetal remains bill by outlawing abortions" by Alex Samuels talks about how state Rep. Byron Cook wants to pass House Bill 35.
                House Bill 35 allows for babies to be either cremated or buried after an abortion or miscarriage. Cook basically claims that law is not hurting anyone. They just want to properly “dispose” of the baby. If a miscarriage or abortion takes place in a clinic or hospital the faculty would need to ensure the fetus is buried or cremated. Those that do not comply to House Bill 35 could lose their license.
                Many drove from their hometown to Austin to speak their minds about how they feel about this law. Groups like Abolish Abortion Texas, West Texans for Life and Abolitionist Society of Houston also showed up to show their support on the debate of the law. Most say that they do not support the law. To some argue that it doesn’t fix the problem. “A baby is a wonderful thing, burying babies does not solve the problem of murder in our land”, says Jim Baxa, a woman speaking on the half of West Texans for Life.
                Samuels did a good job in showing what both parties are arguing. The groups included in this article is a good way to show why some people think it is wrong. Losing a child is hard, imagen being forced to bury it or cremated it afterwards. 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Substantial commentary

Texas Observe released an article “TexasSupreme Court Justice, House Corrections Chair Want to End ‘Unconstitutional’Practice of Debtors’ Prison”; by Sam DeGrave that claims that Republicans want to dismantle jailing someone for not being able to pay his or her fine.  

                The article talks about how people get thrown in jail for not being able to pay their legal fines. Most U.S. Supreme Courts say it is unconstitutional, and it cost a lot of money.  In Texas, it cost $60 a day to hold someone in jail says Mary Mergler, a Texas Appleseed attorney. Think about how many people are thrown in jail for suspended license, no car insurance, P.O.M, etc., now think about the amount of time they could spend in jail by trying to come up with the money. Some can be there for about 10 days.  If there are multiple people staying for about 10 days that could cost thousands or millions of dollars. Mergler included that sending people to jail for not being to pay fines is one of the way the court system punish people based on the amount of money they have.

                Along with the beliefs of DeGrave, some Republicans, and Mergler sending someone to jail because they can’t afford to pay their fines is wrong and unconstitutional. Now there is a difference in not being able to pay and not wanting to pay.

                Sam DeGrave put this article together really well. He gave background information on the situation and gave a clear argument that this is not right. Most people can differ that we do need to throw them in jail, but that’s what makes an argument.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

Article Introduction

Friday February the 10th, Austin Americans Statesman released an article about Immigration officer injured in the North Austin arrest; Casar condemns ICE . The article talks about how an ICE officer was injured when trying to arrest an immigrant. This is an article people should look at because we need to know the latest updates on ICE. Texas is known for “housing immigrants”, and we need to be cautious now that ICE is in the state of Texas. Areas in Austin like North Lamar and Rundberg has had some action in the past 24 hours related to these arrests. They claim not to be doing random sweeps.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Hey guys! I am looking forward to what we will be learning this semester. I am still having a little trouble trying to put my blogg together, so please don't make fun of my blogg just yet.