Friday, March 10, 2017

Blog 4

Texas tribune released an article on the topic about fetal barrel. The article "Advocates urge house to amendfetal remains bill by outlawing abortions" by Alex Samuels talks about how state Rep. Byron Cook wants to pass House Bill 35.
                House Bill 35 allows for babies to be either cremated or buried after an abortion or miscarriage. Cook basically claims that law is not hurting anyone. They just want to properly “dispose” of the baby. If a miscarriage or abortion takes place in a clinic or hospital the faculty would need to ensure the fetus is buried or cremated. Those that do not comply to House Bill 35 could lose their license.
                Many drove from their hometown to Austin to speak their minds about how they feel about this law. Groups like Abolish Abortion Texas, West Texans for Life and Abolitionist Society of Houston also showed up to show their support on the debate of the law. Most say that they do not support the law. To some argue that it doesn’t fix the problem. “A baby is a wonderful thing, burying babies does not solve the problem of murder in our land”, says Jim Baxa, a woman speaking on the half of West Texans for Life.
                Samuels did a good job in showing what both parties are arguing. The groups included in this article is a good way to show why some people think it is wrong. Losing a child is hard, imagen being forced to bury it or cremated it afterwards. 

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